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Lying in the Land of Overgrown Weeds
《椿》 Camellia2023 | oil on canvas | 1620 × 1620 × 32 mm | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY | 《藪枯らし》 Causonis Japonica2023 | oil on canvas | 894 × 1455 × 32 mm | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY |
《水仙》Daffodil2023 | oil on canvas | 1455 × 894 × 32 mm | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY | 《背高泡立草》 Tall Goldenrod2023 | oil on canvas | 797 × 1000 × 27 mm | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY |
《生い茂る雑草の地に眠る #1》“Lying in the Land of Overgrown Weeds #1” | 2023 | archival pigment print | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY | 《生い茂る雑草の地に眠る #2》“Lying in the Land of Overgrown Weeds #2” | 2023 | archival pigment print | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY |
《生い茂る雑草の地に眠る #3》“Lying in the Land of Overgrown Weeds #3” | 2023 | archival pigment print | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY | 《生い茂る雑草の地に眠る #7》“Lying in the Land of Overgrown Weeds #7” | 2023 | archival pigment print | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY |
《生い茂る雑草の地に眠る #8》“Lying in the Land of Overgrown Weeds #8” | 2023 | archival pigment print | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY | 《生い茂る雑草の地に眠る #9》“Lying in the Land of Overgrown Weeds #9” | 2023 | archival pigment print | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY |
Across the Sea, or Beyond the Night
from the series “Across the Sea, or Beyond the Night”2021 | archival pigment print | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY | from the series “Across the Sea, or Beyond the Night”2021 | archival pigment print | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY |
from the series “Across the Sea, or Beyond the Night”2021 | archival pigment print | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY | from the series “Across the Sea, or Beyond the Night”2021 | archival pigment print | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY |
from the series “Across the Sea, or Beyond the Night”2021 | archival pigment print | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY | from the series “Across the Sea, or Beyond the Night”2021 | archival pigment print | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY |
from the series “Across the Sea, or Beyond the Night”2021 | archival pigment print | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY | from the series “Across the Sea, or Beyond the Night”2021 | archival pigment print | ©︎ Sayaka Toda, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY |
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