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Ryota Kikuchi (curation), Shohei Kawasaki,  Katsufumi Matsui, Taichi Moriyama


■Overall Period              

Wednesday, 27th April - Saturday, 4th June 


Sonkei (Respectablandscape) exhibition will take place in four different venues under the curation of Ryota Kikuchi. The four different artists including Kikuchi himself will exhibit under the theme of Sonkei (Respectablandscape)—focusing on the relationship of inside and outside an environment with respect. The exhibition itself will be an attempt of expanding the comprehensive boundaries of a solo exhibition and a group exhibition. 


Respectablandscape—OVERALL SCHEDULE

■Exibition 1: Ryota Kikuchi     Sonkei (Respectablandscape)

                                period:   April 27 - June 4

                                venue:   KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY

Exibition 2: Shohei Kawasaki Sonkei—Admiring Between the Lines

                              period:   May 6 - May28  

                              venue:    Courtyard Hiroo Gallery

Exibition 3: Katsufumi Matsui   Sonkei—The Dynamis of the World

                                period:    May 14 - May 25

                              venue:    CC4441 

Exibition 4: Taichi Moriyama    SonkeiChisui

                                period:    May 19 - May 31

                              venue:    BLOCK HOUSE B1 GALLERY


Anchor 9


opening reception

April 27 (Wed) 18:00-20:00



Wednesday, April 27 - Saturday, June 4, 2016


*below dates have irregular hours:

May 12 (Thu) 12:00-17:00
May 13 (Fri)   12:00-17:00
May 14 (Sat)  18:00-20:30




3-9-11 Minami Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo googlemap


stealth | 2013 | archival pigment print, acrylic facemount | ©Ryota Kikuchi, courtesy KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY


I was thinking of Respectablandscape
Is it mis-spelled?
No, it is correct
If there's a rock-mountain, I would climb
What if the rock was about my height?
Would I hug?
What if the height was about my waist?
I might sit down
What if the size was about my palm?
What if the size was about a snot?
That would be a pebble
I just stepped on a pebble, it's under my sole
No, in fact—I'm climbing!

Ryota Kikuchi was born 1981 in Chiba, Japan. He graduated Intermedia Art, Department of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts and completed his M.A. at Department of Intermedia Art, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts.

Transforming his unique perspective as a free-climber into expressions, his artworks vizualizes the different domains and boundaries buried in cities and landscapes. Selecting four artists including himself for Respectablandscape as the curator of the overall exhibition program, his own solo exhibition will be consitsted of new photography works, films and installations, visualizing the humors hiding here and there in our everyday lives.



Sonkei—Admiring Between the Lines


Anchor 10

opening reception

May 6th (Friday) 18:00-21:00



May 6th (Friday) - May 28th (Saturday)



Courtyard HIROO Gallery googlemap

4-21-2 Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo | tel 03-6427-6724

Untitled | 2016 © Shohei Kawasaki


Shohei Kawasaki was born 1981 in Saitama, Japan. He completed his M.A. at Department of Intermedia Art, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts. He has presented installations, photographs and novels under the theme of connecting art and society. He has worked at Tokyo Institute of Technology since 2015. He was awarded Buzz-Word of the Year for his nonfiction novel based on his experience, Netto cafe nanmin (Net Cafe Refugees) (Gentosha, 2007). Others of his representing books are Wakamono wa naze seishain ni narenainoka (Why the Young Can’t be Full-time Workers) (Chikumashobo, 2008) and Jisatsu shinaitame no 99 no houhou (99 Ways Not to Commit Suicide) (Ichijinsha, 2015). His new books Hajimete no hihyo (First Critique) (Film Art) and Shou-koufukuron (Theory of Little Happiness) (Oakla Publishing) will be published in April, 2016.


He will be showing his works for the first time in five years since ART STRUCTION (3331 Arts Chiyoda, 2011) which he participated as the curator and artist. This exhibition will mark the first within seven years as his solo exhibition, focusing on the spaces within the letters, which would be a new attempt for Kawasaki who has been specializing in expressing through the art of written letters.


Sonkei—The Dynamis of the World

Anchor 11

opening reception

May 14th (Sat) 18:00-20:00



May 14 (Sat) - May 25 (Wed) ※closed  May 16 & May 20



CC4441 THE GALLERY googlemap

2-10-9 Torigoe, Taito-ku, Tokyo| tel 070-5460-0040

© Katsufumi Matsui, 2015

It is not that we have the ability to comprehend the world.

The world has the ability to be comprehended by us. 

To visualise such ability as is. 

That is what I aim. 


Katsufumi Matsui was born 1985 in Yamagata, Japan. He graduated History of Western Philosophy, Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University (2008), and completed his M.A.S. at Cultural and Human Information Studies Course, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo (2015). He is currently under Ph.D. at Cultural and Human Information Studies Course, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies,The University of Tokyo.


He presents works at domestic and international research institutions and art museums, vizualizing landscapes and environment, such as synthesizers and sound installations where landscapes are transformed into sonic waves. Matsui was invited to exhibit the installation work The 360° Skyline Song Project at Museum of Vancouver in 2015. His interactive exhibition, where he made a video of the landscape in front of the exhibition room and created sound from the skyline in the video became highly acclaimed by leading professions worldwide. 


Matsui will participate in ISEA2016 (Hong Kong) as a selected artist during May 16-20, 2016.

* ISEA:  International Symposium of Electronic Arts. Established for over 26 years. Its headquarters is located in Brighton, England.

Anchor 12


May 19th (Thursay) - May 31st (Tuesday) 




6-12-9 Jingu mae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo | tel 03-6318-2003




opening reception

May 20th (Friday) 19:00-21:00

Taichi Moriyama was born 1988 in Tokyo, Japan. He graduated Intermedia Art, Department of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts and completed his M.A. at Department of Sculpture, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (2016).

For Respectablandscape, he will fully maximize his production process of  "observing places and locations, and imagining why the place had became so and how it will be towards the future"— and will be exhibiting the uniqueness of the exhibition venue being “underground.”

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